How To Determine Exactly What You Want From Life On One Page
In 45 minutes, you can have a plan.
What does your dream life look like?
Does it seem like a silly question? How do you know what you want if you haven’t thought about this? The power of knowing what you want from your life is elusive to many and gives those who do a clear advantage. Your life becomes crystal clear when you have a plan.
Unfortunately, too many people are mindlessly wandering through their days, in reaction mode, with no idea what they want.
You can’t get there if you don’t know what you want.
- No plan
- No vision
- No outline on paper
- No belief in your destiny
Planning your life is simple if you take the time to see your vision, write it down, and then pursue it — but it starts with putting it on paper.
Here’s how to step by step:
Step 1: Take 30 minutes to think about your dream life!
Put yourself in the best possible state of mind to think about your dream life.
Be rested. Consider a setting that inspires you. It doesn’t hurt to be well-caffeinated.
Then, start here:
- What do I want to do for a living?
- Where do I want to live (city, house)?
- What do I want my Atomic Day to look and feel like?
Step 2: Sit down with a pen and paper!
Too many people skip this critical part.
You’ve probably thought about your dream life multiple times. Or, you saw something you thought looked cool, or you would love to have in your life: relationship, work, achievement, etc. Whatever it looks like, sit down and write it down on paper.
Step 3: Write out exactly what you want, no rules, no limitations!
Write down exactly what comes to your head, no rules, no limitations, no judgments.
If you want to be the King of England…write it down. If you want to be a billionaire…write it down. Do not, under any circumstances, limit yourself on this.
You now have a one-page document on precisely what you want from your life.
Does it need some refining, sure? But it’s a start to developing your dream life, which will open your eyes to some potential changes you must make and set you down a path you would never find if you hadn’t taken 45 minutes to design your life.
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