Don’t Neglect Your Self-Care Battery, You’ll Regret It
I used to take shortcuts in my personal care, thinking it was no big deal.
I would neglect things that I didn’t think were critical, usually, sleep, focus on less important things, or even just fun and entertaining.
After 39 years of living in this world, I’ve finally accepted the importance of a self-care battery, even more, the usefulness in keeping it charged.
Prioritize your self-care battery. It’s critical to your happiness, productivity, and success in life.
If you don’t prioritize this in your life, you will suffer in your relationships, work, and mental and physical health.
Life is much more challenging to navigate when you are constantly in relationship dilemmas, don’t feel sharp, and suffer physically. However, when you’re thriving in these areas of your life, you encounter states of flow that generate more purposeful work, greater joy, and impactful experiences.
Here are three steps that help keep your self-care battery charged and operating at the highest level.
#1. Identify the things that keep your battery charged.
Everyone has specific things in their life that help them decompress, manage stress, and deliver mental and physical energy.
What’s yours?
Keep a journal. It doesn’t have to be specific to the hour.
- What practices did you participate in today?
- What did you do that brought your energy?
- What took place in your day that stole energy?
#2. Build these things into your daily routine.
Once you know the things that give and take energy, you can design your day in a way that makes time for these keystone practices.
Do something powerful in the morning that brings energy to you. Take breaks in your day for fun and exciting practices that inspire you and give you strength. Allow time in your evening to decompress from your day and manage the stress that occurred in the day.
#3. Be mindful of where your battery stands and make lifestyle adjustments.
You won’t be able to keep a perfect battery.
Take self-assessment of where you are, be willing to recognize when it’s weak, and be quick to get the care you need. You know what you need. Trust it. Share it with someone you love. Get some help when you need it.
Learning how to manage this self-care battery will enhance your life and strengthen it in multiple layers.
This post was created with Typeshare