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17 Simple Rules to Actually Keep Your Creative Juices Flowing
Go on rants.
There’s nothing more frustrating for a writer than when the creative juices aren’t flowing.
Every paragraph, every word, every sentence feels like you’re pulling it from the grips of a lion’s mouth. It creates a difficult writing day and leaves you frustrated.
I’ve written about rules before, and how helpful they are, despite the boundaries they create. Sometimes boundaries are good.
Creativity is essential to any writer. It’s much easier to keep that flow going rather than have to try and re-create it again and again.
Here are some rules I follow to keep creativity sparked in my life.
Go for walks. Long walks prevent your mind from clogging up your creativity. Sometimes you’ll come up with ideas. Other times you’ll work through problems in your head so you can get to the next one. Both help move that process forward.
Write in your journal. This is similar to walking. Every morning you can get all those things out onto paper and out of your head — leaving room for the better, more creative thoughts and ideas.
Keep notes in a file. I use Evernote. Ideas can come quickly, anywhere, and expire if you don’t get them down. Whether it’s a notebook…